The Designer
The Of Dreamers and Dancers story technically began a few years ago when I returned home to Australia, inspired from travelling (doesn't travelling bring out the best in us all) but really it is a dream that I have been subconsciously working towards my whole life.
I have always been a passionately creative person and, as a trained graphic designer turned product designer, I thought I was creatively heading down the right path. My speciality is branding and UX/UI and whilst content doing this, there was always a part of me that yearned for something to call my own.
With the support and encouragement of my family and friends I channelled my ideas. Using my multi-faceted design experience (I dabble…a lot), overactive imagination and sense of style I started to turn my dreams into a reality and thus, Of Dreamers and Dancers was born.
The idea was the easy part and whilst bringing these designs to life was not so straightforward, my passion for this product kept me going. I am now so thrilled to be able to share Of Dreamers and Dancers with you!
Since launching, there have been many ups and downs during this entrepreneurial journey. Whilst sometimes a struggle (they say it takes 10 years to become an overnight success, eek!), the highs definitely outweigh the lows and boy, have I learnt a lot (and continue to do so), but I wouldn't have it any other way.
The challenges, the adventure, the pushing myself out of my comfort zone...starting this label has enabled me to do many things I never thought I could and I am immensely proud of how far I have come both personally and with my brand. I look forward to seeing where I can take it into the future, of-course with all your wonderful love and support. I would be nowhere without my wonderful customers and supporters.
So when they say it’s all in a name, in this case, it’s true.
Be a dreamer, think outside the box, fight fear and take chances, be a dancer and live life enthusiastically…you never know where it can lead you. These are attitudes instilled in this brand.
Thank you for being on this site and reading these words. I look forward to continuing to share this journey with you.
With much gratitude

Rebecca Minervini, Founder and Designer