The following captures some of the media and press highlights Of Dreamers and Dancers has experienced in its short lifetime. Some personal favourites include having my designs feature on the beautiful Australian model Samantha Harris for Cosmopolitan magazine only six short months into Of Dreamers and Dancers journey. When you send product into magazines to be used for shoots (and this is a process in itself, a good contact is hard to find!), you never expect it to end up on a shoot like this with such a renowned model, a huge pinch myself moment!
I also cannot forget when my business and all-round inspirational idol Samantha Wills posted about my label and me! Opening Instagram to discover that post and seeing the hundreds of likes and followers that came with it, a truly meaningful act by such a genuine soul. It was a surreal moment but not as surreal as 12 months later when Samantha flew me to Sydney (before I lived here) for an interview and to meet her! Mind blown! Thank you again Samantha.
Finally, not long after shooting our Transient Borders campaign, our model and muse, Olivia Rogers, became Miss Universe Australia. Truly grateful to have her as the face of an Of Dreamers and Dancers campaign and then watch her go so far and make her dreams come true! So inspirational.
Finally, not long after shooting our Transient Borders campaign, our model and muse, Olivia Rogers, became Miss Universe Australia. Truly grateful to have her as the face of an Of Dreamers and Dancers campaign and then watch her go so far and make her dreams come true! So inspirational.
It's truly astounding the journey you can take yourself on when you dare to dream.
Please note the word highlights! Dreams take hard work and persistence too, I have had many more setbacks than I have highlights, even years with no movement thanks to a pandemic and juggling having a career as well to help fuel my passion.
Please note the word highlights! Dreams take hard work and persistence too, I have had many more setbacks than I have highlights, even years with no movement thanks to a pandemic and juggling having a career as well to help fuel my passion.
Dreams don’t come easy, you just have the believe in the process.
Bec x